Episode 11: The Triple Win (with Elizabeth Schwan-Rosenwald)

One of the things I love most about these interviews is the wide range of people I’m talking with. And today, we get to take a peek at a niche of our economy that I didn’t even know existed before I got to know this week’s guest, and that excites me to no end.

My guest today is Elizabeth Schwan-Rosenwald, a kind, generous, loyal, and fundamentally decent human, which is one of the highest praises I know to give a person. She is also one of the smartest people I know, and the new Chief Program Officer at an organization called Common Impact. To boil her role down probably way too far, her job is to connect corporate professionals with specific skills to non-profits who may need a little help in that skill area. In her words, she’s helping to create a triple win, and you’ll hear why that is both beautiful and true a little later in this episode.

We also talk about the nature of the sacred, the best cream of mushroom soup ever made, and grief over the loss of simple physical affection during this pandemic. It’s a loose and wide-ranging conversation, and I think you’re going to really enjoy it.


Episode 12: Crinkly Eyes (with….me!)


Episode 10: A Vastly Bigger Universe (with Samer Hassan)