Episode 26: Change It! (with Rachael Angus)

I’m starting off this new focus on creating a life, with a handful of artists and performers. Partially because I know so many. But also, partially, because so few artists – in this country, at least – are able to make a living doing their art. The ones I’ve been choosing for you, are ones who are very conscious of their choices, attempting to make lives where their artistry and their income aren’t necessarily the same, but are deliberate, and integrated, and emotionally and energetically supportive of both endeavors.

I think, no matter your own path in life, there’s a lot to be learned from their journeys to create such a life.

Today’s guest, like Sarah Beth Tanner from our last episode, has managed to do it, and this conversation is a treat! As promised, my guest today is Rachael Angus. She is an opera singer, and a personal trainer and fitness coach. This woman kicks my butt 5 days a week and always with a smile on her face and a laugh in her voice, no matter how cranky I am or much I’m swearing in her direction (I try not to swear at her). And she’s an immensely talented performer whom I’ve always enjoyed working with, because she’s always bringing something new and interesting to the rehearsal process. Not to mention the gorgeous voice. She sings just the tiniest bit in this episode, and that’s a shame, because it is worth hearing.

Fair warning, we do more giggling than usual, because Rachael’s unpretentious good humor is purely infectious. I know you’ll find yourself smiling as you listen.


Episode 27 - Dream Big, Work Small (with Erin Attere)


Episode 25: Following the Clues (with Sarah Beth Tanner)