Episode 28 - Conspiratorial Connections (with Sarah Greenman)

Oh friends. Today is a very special episode. The Beautiful & True Project – at least, the podcast portion of it – is one year old! That’s right! This is our anniversary episode. I’m not sure what I expected when I started, I’m not sure I HAD an expectation. I was just following my flower, as Sarah Beth Tanner would say, and it has ben rewarding beyond what I could have imagined.

It seems fitting that on this anniversary episode, I’m talking with Sarah Greenman. Sarah – like all of my guests – is an amazing human being. She perhaps more than anything, an artist, in the broadest sense of the word. She is the founder of Creative Alchemy, a course designed to free your creativity by exploring the seasonal round of the year. She is a painter who uses color so vibrantly it hurts, with a gallery show of her collection “Startling Truth” opening THIS WEEK. She’s also an activist, an actor, a playwright, a mother, a lover of nature, and one of the most grounded people I’ve ever met. Her story is rich, and complex, and challenging, and CHOSEN. Chosen deliberately, chosen carefully and thoughtfully, mindful of her responsibilities to her family and her deep love – and deep respect – for them, mindful of the ways her choices reverberate in the world, mindful of her own creative spirit.

It is a conversation full of joy and grief, and beauty and truth.

And some good advice for times when you might feel a little stuck.

Here we go!



Episode 27 - Dream Big, Work Small (with Erin Attere)