Episode 6: Rise Like the Day (with Jerry Attere)

My guest this week is Jerry Attere, a brilliant photographer, an amazing dad, and someone who takes deep notice of everyday beauty. Today, we’re talking about the secret to weathering hard times, the blessing that comes of not making your passion a business, and how a little bit of joyful attention can end up saving the world. It’s a great conversation…I ended up crying a little bit near the end, because I was so inspired and uplifted. I know you will be, too.

To really experience the ending, you’ll need the image below and Andra Day’s magnificent song “Rise Up”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmHfo_3EGFA

Jerry Pic.JPG
Jerry Pic (Dad).JPG


Episode 7: Everyday Beauty (with Marisa Gora)


Episode 5: Beautiful & True (with…me!)