Episode 19 - I Still Believe

I’m so excited today, because for the first time, I’m talking with an engineer! Beautiful and True may seem like a natural fit for artists, activists, and pastors. But the Beautiful and True is also found in math and science. In puzzles and solutions. In working on something physical, mechanical, in fixing things and making them whole again.

To be clear, I think we all have in us a bit of the artist and a bit of the engineer. Philosophers are also bakers and woodworkers. Mechanics have an ear for music. The ways in which each of us is blended makes us interesting and rich and complex. Who wants simple, anyway?

My guest, Derek Saul, is certainly not simple. He’s a builder, a taker-aparter, a tinkerer. A professional engineer and amateur car mechanic, he started his college training in English and Political Science. In this conversation, you’ll hear him go into detail about rust patterns in Midwestern Mazda Miatas, he’ll talk about the legacy of our personal histories and how he sneaks the Beatles into his kids dance party playlist, and then he’ll follow it all up with a quote from The Glass Menagerie.

A Renaissance man indeed. Enjoy!


Episode 20 - The Gast Family Singers (with Elise Wisner)


Episode 18 - Joy and Grief