

It’s been a heck of a year, hasn’t it? And the Beautiful & True Project podcast needs a little breather, a bit of space and a time to sharpen the vision and dig deeper into what is beautiful and true.

In opera, a pausa is a short intermission, a break while the singers rest their voices and the stage is reset. This is a pausa, which means the first 23 episodes could be considered Act 1! We’ll be back with more Sunday interviews in the new year. In the meantime, there may be a couple of special episodes that pop up here and there, so keep an eye out for those.

While the podcast is resting, I’ll be going back to the blog part of this project, revisiting some of the research I did initially, sharing the findings with you, so be sure to check that out. Publishing on Wednesday mornings.

In the meantime, I’m wishing you all the best in this holiday season. I know it’s a weird one, and that the beautiful and true may feel far away this year. But it’s still there, if we open ourselves up to it. Be well, friends.

- - Jenn


Episode 24 - Thanksgiving!


Episode 23: This Green Is So Green (with Beck Buechel)